Friday, December 13, 2013

Exam Review


  • A message to Garcia- some things are worth doing a good job at 
  • Socrates/ Ancient Greeks- don't just do what your told, question authority ("the examined life is not worth living") if you don't go above and beyond your no better than your dog 
  • Did you know?/Shift Happens - keep learning as our world is changing faster than ever 
Population and Migration
  • RNI, TFR, crude birth rate, crude death rate 
  • Net Migration Rate
  • push/ pull forces 
  • developed/developing nations
  • infrastructure- electricity, good education, health care, transportation (boats to export and import goods) 
  • god grew tired of us
  • (need to realize alot of countries have different problems, the US thinks we're falling apart but compared to other poor countries we're doing very well. 
  • (America is the greatest country) 
Cultural Geography 
  • language 
  • major religions (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism 
  • ethnic heritage 
  • (look at peoples culture from a different point of view) 
Political Geography
  • country, nation, nation/state 
  • world leaders we studied (12, plus the US) 
  • type of government, leader and title, photographs of countries 
Economic Geography 
  • microfinance 
  • infrastructure 
  • kiva
  • peace corps 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Today we finally got back to school from the snow but we still had a two hour delay. Also it was a Wednesday so we had very short classes. In class we went over our test. I only got one wrong but thats still a 93%. I knew that answer i just read to question wrong, i am so mad at myself that i didnt get 100. For the rest of class we talked about Mandela who just died. I didnt know who he was until i saw it in the news. I found in interesting that the leader form Israel wasn't at his funeral.

Friday, December 6, 2013


Today in human geo we took a test. I'm almost positive i got 100%. I thought it was really easy. I was surprised i knew all the answers because i didn't study until this morning. I'm glad i did much better then the last test!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

microfinance- a form of finical services for entrepreneurs and small businesses lacking access to banking and related services 
microloan- a small loan given to individuals who might not have access to typical baking services, usually to start or expand small, self sufficient businesses

Who prides microloans? 

  • is the best known  
  • has given away half a billion dollars in loans 
  • Kiva's repayment rate is 99.01% 
Who receives them?
  • microentrepreneurs who are trying to get a kickstart 
  • villagers needing to fund a clinic, hospital, or heal care center
  • teachers trying to run a school
  • students wanting to advance their education 
Problems with microloans?
  • high interest rates
  • cost of providing banking services 
How do they help?
  • take place of banking services 
  • substandard education 
  • poor health care 
  • means bad air 
  • a mosquito-borne infectious disease
  • humans and animals can be infected through the bite of a female mosquito 
  • to vaccine exists 
  • kills around 665,000 people a year, many of them children in sub-Saharan Africa 
  • mosquito nets can be effective 
  • is the generous donation of money to good causes, and Bill and Melinda Gates are the second gratest philanthropists in hisotry. ($28 billion, 1/3 of their wealth)
  • they support research and developemnt for a vaccine,diagnostics, and mosquito-control measures- like mosquito nets

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

10 questions

1.) What is a microloan? - loaning people money to help them get a kickstart in a small business that will be beneficial to help their business be successful.

2.) What are some problems that can be helped my microfinance? Malaria, Drought, and Clean Water

3.)  How can microloans help? benefit others instead of the person allowing the community to benefit from it.

4.)  What is microfinance? -  is a general term to describe financial services to low-income individuals or to those who do not have access to typical banking services.

5.) What’s a microlender? - an organization that makes business loans to individuals who are not able to obtain financing from traditional lenders. (usually charge higher-than-average interest rates)

6.) what is malaria? What is it caused by? Its a disease transmitted from person to person through the bite of a female Anopheles mosquito, which requires blood to nurture her eggs.

7.)  What are some effects of droughts or heavy rains? -The climate in the region affects the farming which is relied on in many because they are not as developed as other places.The weather is unpredictable. Many times there won’t be as much rainfall that is needed for the crops to survive, these times are called droughts Other times there is too much rain, this leads to many of the crops getting washed away because they are already full of water and can’t take any more in. Both resulting in little/no crops.

8.)  How do loans affect small business? - Loans help people with small businesses to get a kick start on what they want to do. They may get funds, structure investments, housing, and help for the economy in small areas near by.

9.) Who is the biggest provider for mosquito nets? - Bill Gates

10.) How many deaths does malaria cause each year? - 6,000

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Microfinance- a general term to be describe financial services to low-income individuals or to those who do not have access to typical banking services
Microloans- loans people money to help them get a kickstart in a small business that they think will be beneficial to their own village or town
  • Microloans also helps investments in infrastructure, education, and legal reforms

What does it do?
  • Provides people who don’t have the money to get a loan to start a business, pay for medical attention, pay for schools etc.
  • Helps small businesses start up and stay running. This helps the local economy it also helps pay for insurance
  • Is an opportunity for the less fortunate people to have stuff they wouldn’t be able to afford or start up
  • Allows poor people to improve their homes

Developing countries
In most developing countries most people are poor, but it is the poor people who are least likely to be helped by regular banks
Problems in developing countries that can be helped by microfinance-
  • Malaria
  • Drought
  • Clean water

Malaria - life threatening disease transmitted by mosquitos. It was once thought that the disease came from fetid marshes. Every year it causes 655,000 deaths. Every minute a child dies from malaria 

Bill Gates: 
  • is a philanthropist
  • Bill and Melinda gates donate billions of dollars to help cure diseases and help sell mosquito nets

  • Microlenders is an organization that makes business loans to individuals who are not able to get money from traditional lenders
  • Charge higher than average interest rates. 
  • Their maximum loan is usually 25,000 or less
  • People who receive microloans are usually individuals in poverty or in development zones in the US or who live in developing nations.

Ways Microloans can help: 
  •  helps expand their business
  •  the business can have a positive affect on the community around them
  •  allows small business loaners access to insurance
  •  create choice, allows people to switch professions and work in a field that interest them or interest them more than their last job

No Plans

Today in human geo we didn't do anything. Mr. Schick said he had nothing planned for us so we just sat and talked. We talked about schools and how Jazz is leaving. There's nothing really to write about so yeah. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Peace Corps Challenge

Today in class Mr. Schick wasn't here so Mr. Torres told us to continue playing the Peace Corps Challenge game. You have to save the village from a drought, mosquitoes, and malaria. Girls aren't going to school because of all these problems that are destroying the village. You have to talk to Gwafa, and tell him what you think the solution to the problem is. If he agrees with you, he will usually give you stuff, like a chicken, roots, root juice, a pineapple, or a bag of fried ants. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Today in human geo we got to see and hold and Emmy that the guy that came to our school won. Mr. Schick didn't tell the guy he was taking it to class but i don't think he minded. Then we watched a video about this new TV thing where you can flip the channels by pressing the buttons. We tried to watch the whole thing but John Carroll's wifi isn't the best so it wouldn't load. After that we played the game on Mr. Schicks blog. I got pineapple, root juice, roots, and other stuff. I saved the village. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Reviewed test

Today in class we reviewed the world leaders test we took. A lot of people read the directions and questions wrong and wrong the leader in stead of the country. I did that on a few of the questions but i got a 83% on the test. At first i got a 80% but Mr. Schick marked one of my answers wrong but it was right. In my notes on my blog i think i just wrote down the wrong things, and there was also a lot to copy so i didn't get all of it down. I think that is why i did do too good on the test. We also are starting to do economic geography. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Today in class Mr. Schick gave everyone who didn't finish their test more time. I wish i would've known this because i wouldn't have rushed through my test and wrote down random answers. I got to see my test and I got a 80%. I'm not very happy with this but i didn't do as bad as some other people. Then once everyone was done their test we started learning about Economics by looking at the links on Mr. Schick's blog .One was about Micro finance on Kiva. Also Anna and Katie came into our class and we talking about how West Civ is going to be boring. I'm going to miss your class. Hopefully i do better on the next test!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

leaders quiz

Today in class we took the leaders quiz. I thought for the most part it was easy but some of the questions were hard to find, like the leader who's nickname is Bibi. I didn't know it so i just guessed. I think i either got a B or a C on this quiz, hopefully it won't lower my grade too much. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013







United Kingdom




Saudi Arabia 



Tuesday, November 12, 2013

More about leaders

Today in class we learned more about countries leaders. We learned a lot more interesting facts. One guy used to live in the United States. Also we had a girl Tori, shadowing with Jazz. Also one of the guys Abdallah, we had twenty two children and even had a child when he was seventy nine years old. We haven't gone over all of the leaders yet but i'm excited to learn more facts about leaders in our world. 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Quiz Answers

Today during human geo we went over the answers to our quiz retake. Then we talked about all of the leaders for the different countries  We found some interesting facts about leaders of the countries. Like Dilma has been divorced two times and has had cancer. Also one of them has a daughter attending Harvard University.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Facts about leaders

Enrique Pena Pieto 

  • served as governor of the state of Mexico from 2005 to 2011
  • born in Atlacomulco, Mexico, a city 55 miles northwest from the capitol of Mexico
  • Reports that he fathered two children in extramarital affairs while his wife Monica raised the couple's 3 children
  • married to soap opera actor Angelica Rivera
XI Jinping (China is a communist state)
  • served as governor of Fujian fro 1999 to 2002 
  • served as governor of Zhejiang between 2002 and 2007 
  • first leader to have a Ph.D 
  • only received one vote against him in the election 
  • son of revolutionary veteran, one of the communist party's founding fathers
  • Married folk singer Peng Liyuan 
  • have a daughter who is attending Harvard University in the US 
Pranab Mukherjee
  • was a senior leader of the Indian National Congress and occupied several ministerial portfolios in the Government of India
  •  was also Leader of the House in the Rajya Sabha from 1980 to 1985.
  • rated as one of the best finance ministers of the world in 1984 and adjudged the pest parliamentarian in 1997
  • taught political science at the Vijayanagar College and worked as a journalist before entering politics 
Hamid Karazi
  •  chosen for a two-year term as Interim President during the 2002 loya
  •  After the 2004 presidential election, Karzai was declared winner and became President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
  • knows many languages, Persian, Peshto, Hindi, French, and English
  • Warned the US that the Taliban were connected with al Qaeda and that there was a plot or an imminent attack on the US but his warnings went unheeded. 

Joachim Gauck (preident)

  • During the Peaceful Revolution, he was a co-founder of the New Forum opposition movement in East Germany
  • He was nominated as the candidate of the SPD and the Greens for President of Germany in the 2010 election, but narrowly lost to Christian Wulff
Angela Merkel (Chancellor of Germany) 
  • graduated from the University of Leizpig in 1978 with a degree in physics and physical chemistry; earned a Ph.D in quantum chemistry from the German Academy of sciences in Berlin in 1986
  • has been chancellor since November 2005
  • earned  the top spot on the FORBES list of most powerful women in the world for eight of the past 10 years 
Queen Elizabeth II
  •  Elizabeth was born in London and educated privately at home
  •  Her father was the second son of King George V and Queen Mary. Her mother was the youngest daughter of Scottish aristocrat Claude Bowes-Lyon, 14th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne. 
David Cameron (Prime Minister)
  • at the age of seven he was packed off to Heatherdown a high exclusive preparatory school
  • his first child who was disabled died in 2009
  • is the youngest prime minister in 200 years 
  • bikes to work everday
Francois Hollande
  • no previous experience in a national government position
  • the mother of his four children, Segolene Royal, with whom he shared a 30 year relationship
  • born in 1954 in the city of Rouen the an extreme right physician father and progressive social worker mother. 
Dilma Rousseff
  • has been divorced twice
  • opposed Brazil's military dictatorship of the 1960's and served three years in prison  where she was repeatedly tourchered 
  • underwent chemotherapy of lymphoma in 2009, and is now in remission 
  • she has a degree in economics
Nicolas Maduro Moros 
  • previously the Vice President of Venezuela and the Minister of Foreign Affairs under President Hugo Chávez.
  • before he took a charge in government he was a bus driver 
  • was introduced to Huge Chavez in 1992 and Chavez was imprisoned for an attempted coup and Maduro began campaigning for Chavez's release
Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud 

  • was one of many sons of Ibn Saud, the founder of modern Saudi Arabia
  • In 1961 he became mayor of Mecca
  • has fathered 22 children the youngest when he was 79 
  • he is worth about 21 billion dollars 
  • was appointed commander of the Saudi Arabian National Guard, a post he was still holding when he became king 
  • in 2011 he granted woman the right to vote and run in future municipal elections
  • his kingdom practices strict separations of the sexes (woman can't drive) 
Ali Hoseini-Khamenei (supreme leader) 
  • was the victim of an attempted assassination in June 1981 that paralyzed his right arm
  • served as the President of Iran from 1981 to 1989
  • in 1963 took part in street protests against the US. - backed Shah of Iran 

Ruhani (president)
  • has held several parliamentary posts, including deputy speaker and has also served on the Supreme National Security Council 
  • was just elected in June 2013 
  • has been openly critical of the outgoing president  saying Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's "careless, uncalculated and unstudied remarks" has cost the country dearly 
Shimon Peres (president)
  • won the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize
  • In 2005, he was voted the 11th-greatest Israeli of all time
  • born in Belarus, to escape the persecution of Jews there, the family fled to Palestine in 1934 
  • when Arab forces launched their attack on the new state of Israel in 1948, Peres was given the chief responsibility for securing military equipment for Israel from abroad 
  • organized Israels' nuclear program and is regarded as the father of Israel's atomic bomb
  • in 1994 he shared the Nobel Peace Prize with his own prime minister 
Netanyahu (prime minister) 
  • lived with his family in the US in the years 1956-1958 and again in 1963-1967
  • his brother Jonathan was killed, in July 197, in the course of the Entebbe Operation 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Countires and Governments

Constitution- Federal republic 
President  Enrique Pena Nieto

Constitution- Communist State
President XI Jinping

Constitution- Federal Republic 
 President Pranab Mukherjee

Constitution- Islam Republic 
President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai

constitution- federal republic 
President Joachim Gauck

United Kingdom
Constitution- constitutional monarchy and Commonwealth realm
Queen Elizabeth II 

Constitution- republic
President Francois Hollande

constitution- federal republic 
President Dilma Rousseff

Constitution-  federal republic 
President Nicolas Maduro Moros 

Saudi Arabia 
Constitution- monarchy
King and Prime Minister Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud 

constitution- theocratic republic 
Supreme Leader Ali Hoseini-Khamenei

Constitution-  parliamentary democracy
President Shimon Peres

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Test Retake!

Today in human geo we retook our religions test and i am really happy with what i got! Before i got a 77, and now i got a 90! I studied all day before the quiz and I'm so glad i did. After we were all done we started talking about political geography and learned the difference between countries, nations, and nation states. Then we watched a video of a Canadian guy (btw i love Canadians because of Justin Bieber) but he wasn't funny but i kind of felt bad because he was trying.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Religions Test

Today in class we had to take a test on the five religions we learned about. We also learned that we are all angels and saints except for Stephanie. Before we took it we asked Mr. Schick if we could review the slide show he made for us. Then we had two shadows. We took the test and it wasn't as hard as i excepted it to be. I don't think i got 100%, but i think i did better then the last test we took. 

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Today we presented our religion slide shows. Also we had a shadow, Brooke. After everyone was done presenting we looked at a study guide slide show that Mr. Schick made for us. It told us everything we need to know for tomorrow's test. I'm a little nervous for the test because on the past few tests i didn't do so well. I am hoping i can start the second quarter off on the right foot! 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013



  • Islam is a monotheistic belief in a god or gods
  • it is an Abrahamic religion 
  • the book of worship is Qur'an 
  • the book is supposed to be the exact words of God
  • the Arabic world is mostly Islam
  • the people in this religion don't eat pork 
  • most Islams live in: Indonesia , Iran, Turkey, Bangladesh, Pakistan, & India  
  • followers are called Muslims 
  • it is a belief that God is one 
  • its purpose is to love and serve him
  • it is the universal version of faith 
  • revealed through Abraham  
  • they think Muhammad is the savior 
  • we think Jesus is the son of God or Messiah 
  • Allah is the one and only god who should be worshiped/obeyed 
  • they think Allah is perfect 
  • no one shares divinity with Allah even the angles 
  • Allah never sleeps, gets tired, or dies 
  • Allah means God 
  • humans in the Islam religion humans are not created in his image 
  • humans can ask Allah for anything they want 
  • five pillars
  • the pilgrimage allows Muslims form all around the world to be able to worship God 
  • in 1999 about two million Muslims went to Mecca 
  • very ritualized
  • they throw seven pebbles at a pillar- symbolizes Abraham 
  • they symbolize the completion by cutting off their hair


  • there are many different types of Christianity 
  • 50.1% catholic 
  • 36.7% protestant 
  • 1.3% other christian 
  • 11.9% orthodox 
  • there are about 2.8 billion Christians in the world 
  • about 1/3 of the worlds population 
  • believe Jesus is son of God and savior of all humanity 
  • emerged in the mid 1st century 
  • became common to Europe in the middle ages 
  • is a religion indigenous to the Indian subcontinent 
  • they have a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices 
  • worship Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama) "the awakened one"
  • 6% of the worlds population is Buddhism  
  • top five countries that practice Buddhism are China, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam and Myanmar (mostly Asia) 
  • more of a practice instead of a religion 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Today in human geo we went over our culture quiz. I didn't do too well on it, but i got 10 extra credit points so now i passed. Also we had three shadows Alexis, Marisa, and Sarah. When we were done, we worked on our religion power point. Ellie and I got a lot done, but Drew's internet wasn't working so he was just watching. I learned a lot of new things about Hinduism. 

Friday, October 25, 2013

One lap down, three to go

Today in human geo we took a quiz on spacial divisions and cultural differences. In the beginning of class we reviewed with teacher Jazzmine. I though the quiz was the hardest one we've taken all year. I must have studied the wrong things because i didn't know a lot of it. I probably got all of the questions about the abbreviations wrong because i didn't study them and had no idea what they stood for or men't. I'm glad the first quarter of my freshman year and we only have three more to go!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Notes for Quiz

Cultural Geography- 

  • parts of a groups everyday life
  • the ideas and themes which the group will teach to all members
  • these same characteristics can also link or divide a region 
Examples of cultural characteristics-
  • language
  • religion 
  • ethnic heritage 
Language examples- 
  • Arabic units the Arab world 
  • Spanish unites the Hispanic world 
  • Brazil is the only south American nation which does not speak Spanish, they speak Portuguese
  • Canada is a bilingual nation, English and French are its official languages 
  • Switzerland has multiple languages but its not a conflict 
  •  English is now considered the official world language 
Ethnic Heritage examples- 
  • In Yugoslavia, many ethnic groups were made into one country
  • when strong leadership died out, the different groups fought a very bloody war and now they all have separate countries
  • The US and Switzerland have merged multiple ethnic groups peacefully in there countries
  • Korea and Japan have only one ethnic group
Religion examples- 
  • five major religions are; Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity
  • The Jews are considered the sons of Abraham 
  • Shiites, Sunnis 
  • Jews, Christians, and Muslims all claim Jerusalem as their holy land
  • they are constantly fighting over the land 
Spacial Divisions  how we divide the livable space found on the earth by establishing social economic and political control 
  • countries 
  • economic alliances ; European union, organization of petroleum exporting countries, north america free trade agreement, association of southeast Asian nations 
  • political alliances; north Atlantic treaty organization  common wealth of nations, organization of american states, league of Arab states, African union 
Reasons for spacial divisions- 
  • difference in culture, language, or religion 
  • keeping of historical boundaries 
  • imperial consequences and control 
  • economic similarities and differences 
  • cultural differences (Canada, Ireland, Sudan) 
the belief that your nation is the best

Economic differences - 
  • fertile land
  • access to fresh water
  • natural recourses 
  • access to the coast 
  • fishing rights 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

More Notes

Today in human geography we took more notes on reasons for dividing places in the world. We also had  two shadows. We talked about spacial divisions and reasons for them. Like religion, ethnic heritage, and language. Also unions and alliances are reasons for spacial divisions. We also talked about nationalism which is when you think your country is the best. Also if two groups of people do not believe in the same thing, they will fight until death to prove themselves right. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Seperation in the World

Today we started off class by looking at a diagram of the USA. It was divided by every county in the United States. It showed what each country called soda. Some counties call it pop, fizzes, coke, and like us soda. Most of the south called it pop and the east coast and California calls it soda. The reason Mr. Schick showed us this is to show the diversity in the countries and the world. Then we talked about things that are either unifying or unifying. Those things are languages, religion, and ethnic heritage. I learned that the united states does not have an official language and Canada has two, English and French. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

No Teacher

Today we got into class and there wasn't a teacher in our room for a long time. We figured Mr. Schick had a sub for us but the sub forgot to come. We waited a long time but finally Jazz and Carly went to get Mr. Ireton. Mr. Ireton sent Mr. Miller to come sub. We took an AP test to see what we knew. I thought it was really hard and i didn't know most of the answers. 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Quiz and Kiva

Today in class we took a quiz on population pyramid,s crude birth rate, crude death rate, net migration rate, immigration and emigration. I think i did really good on this quiz. I feel confident and i'm hoping i got a good grade because i need to bring my grade back up because of the last test we took. When everyone was done the quiz we started talking more about kiva. Kiva is a website where you loan money to people around the world who need it and they eventually pay you back. What i thought was cool was that you can choose who you give the money too. I really want our class to bring in the most money so we can win pizza. I think it will be a great experience for us! 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Test Tomorrow

Today in class we had another shadow, Allie. We also found out that we have another test tomorrow. For the whole class we just reviewed for the test and Mr. Schick told us what would be on it. 
Crude birth rate - number of births per year by thousands 
crude death rate - number of deaths per year by thousands 
rate of natural increase- subtract death rate from birth rate, then divide by 10 
net migration rate- the difference between the number of persons entering and leaving a country during a year
immigration- coming into a country 
emigration- leaving a country 
push forces- war
pull forces- religious freedom, health care, more jobs 
total fertility rate- average number of children born per woman 
replacement rate- 2.1 

Population pyramid- a graphical illustration showing information about population broken down by age and sex 
Christmas tree - developing nation, slow growth rate, high birth rate, short life expectancy (Namibia)
the box- developed nation(slow growth), low infant mortality, slow population growth, long life expectancy (Sweden) 
the cup- developed nation (negative growth), low birth rate, shrinking population, long life expectancy (Italy, Germany) 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Quiz's back and population pyramids

Today in class we got our Lost Boys quiz back. Our class had the lowest average grade. The other classes got a B as their average, and our class got a D as our average. I got an 80%. We went over the answers and then we reviewed population pyramids. We went over what we learned yesterday then we looked at different pyramids for different cities and observed what we saw. We looked at cities in New York, South Dakota, etc. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Quiz and population pyramid

Today we had a quiz on the lost boys documentary. We were aloud to use our blog which was very helpful. The quiz wasn't too hard. After we were all finished the quiz, we learned about population pyramids. Population pyramids show you the number of people in a certain age group. There can be a Christmas tree, box, or cup shape pyramid. Mr. Schick let me and Carly's shadow walk around the school and we ended up losing them. Luckily Mr. Maynard found them and brought them to our next class. Mr. Huber thought it was funny that we lost the shadows. 

Friday, October 4, 2013


Today we finished the Lost Boys documentary. They organized another meeting for all the lost boys to meet again. They are all struggling to stay in the US because they have to pay for everything on their own now. We also saw that where they are from they don't celebrate Christmas the way we do. They don't believe in giving presents, Santa, reindeer, etc. Instead they spend time together, sing and dance. Panther got married to his girlfriend from Sudan and he plans to bring her to the US. John got reunited with his mother, they were so happy to see each other. Daniel still goes to a community college and hasn't heard from his family.  

Thursday, October 3, 2013

More of the documentary

Today we watched more of the documentary of the Lost Boys from Sudan. They all found jobs in a bank, McDonald's, a restaurant, etc. They've been in America for a year now but they still face some struggles. Now they aren't aloud to travel in packs because some people are feeling threatened by them. They feel lonely so they start a support group and meet up with the other Lost Boys that traveled to America. They met in Michigan and they were all so happy to see each other. Daniel, John, and Panther all enrolled in college. One of them had to move out of his house because it was required that you live in a college dorm. They are also trying to work really hard so they can send some of the money they make to Sudan.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Lost Boys

Today in class we watched more of the lost boys documentary. They finally got to the US and got there houses. They didn't know what anything was so there was a person in their houses telling them what to do and what everything was. They had never seen a shower, or even a light before. It was interesting because when they were on the plane they showed one of the guys looking straight into the light on the plane. It was funny watching them try to prepare food. One guy put crackers in a cup and mashed them up with a hammer and then poured milk in it. I don't think that would taste very good. They also only have 90 days to find a job and they are expected to pay back all of their expenses. This documentary is very interesting and i cant wait to watch more

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Civil War Video

Today in class we started to watch a new documentary about the "Lost Boys" in Kenya. It was about two sections of the country, the North and the South having a civil war. Some of the boys got driven out of their country and so they hiked to a refugee camp. More then half of the lost boys died on the way to the camp. The ones who made it, were starving, dehydrated and about to die. Conditions weren't good at the camp either but it was better then before. They took care of each other and lived together for ten years. Then finally some were aloud to come to the US. Some are going to Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and New York. It's going to be a cultural difference because they have never had electricity before. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Jevan as teacher

Today in class Mr. Schick let Jevan be the teacher. We went over and talked about the questions we had to answer about the CIA Factboook. I found out a lot of information i didn't know. We talked about what countries had the most airports and the most cell phone use and things like that. I think the CIA Factbook will be useful for research.  

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

CIA Factbook Facts

  1. What is the population of the United States?

  1. What are the five largest countries in the world, by population?
China, India, United States, Indonesia, Brazil

  1. What is the population of Pakistan?

  1. What kind of government does the United States have?
Constitution-based federal republic; strong democratic tradition

  1. What is the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe?

  1. What is the largest country in the world by area?

  1. What country has the third greatest number of airports?

  1. What country has the greatest number of exports?

  1. What country exports more oil than any other?
Saudi Arabia

  1. What country imports more oil than any other?
United States

  1. What country has the second largest proved reserves of crude oil in the world?

  1. Can women serve in combat roles in China’s military?

  1. What is GDP?
the gross domestic product. It represents the total dollar value of all goods

  1. What country has the highest GDP per capita in the world, and how much is it?

  1. Is the US in the top ten for GDP per capita? - No

  1. Most of the countries with the highest birth rates can be found in what continent?

  1. 11 of the top 12 countries with the highest number of deaths from HIV/AIDS can be found
in which continent? Cameroon

  1. What other country is in the top ten?

  1. Where does the US rank in HIV/AIDS deaths?

  1. Is the US #1 in number of cellular phones?

  1. What percentage of the US is Roman Catholic?
23.9 %

  1. What percentage of Mexico is Roman Catholic?
82.7 %

  1. What is Net Migration Rate?
How many people leave a country

  1. Does the US have the highest Net Migration Rate in the world?

  1. According to the Factbook, what is the current population of the entire planet?