Friday, December 13, 2013

Exam Review


  • A message to Garcia- some things are worth doing a good job at 
  • Socrates/ Ancient Greeks- don't just do what your told, question authority ("the examined life is not worth living") if you don't go above and beyond your no better than your dog 
  • Did you know?/Shift Happens - keep learning as our world is changing faster than ever 
Population and Migration
  • RNI, TFR, crude birth rate, crude death rate 
  • Net Migration Rate
  • push/ pull forces 
  • developed/developing nations
  • infrastructure- electricity, good education, health care, transportation (boats to export and import goods) 
  • god grew tired of us
  • (need to realize alot of countries have different problems, the US thinks we're falling apart but compared to other poor countries we're doing very well. 
  • (America is the greatest country) 
Cultural Geography 
  • language 
  • major religions (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism 
  • ethnic heritage 
  • (look at peoples culture from a different point of view) 
Political Geography
  • country, nation, nation/state 
  • world leaders we studied (12, plus the US) 
  • type of government, leader and title, photographs of countries 
Economic Geography 
  • microfinance 
  • infrastructure 
  • kiva
  • peace corps 

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