Thursday, October 10, 2013

Test Tomorrow

Today in class we had another shadow, Allie. We also found out that we have another test tomorrow. For the whole class we just reviewed for the test and Mr. Schick told us what would be on it. 
Crude birth rate - number of births per year by thousands 
crude death rate - number of deaths per year by thousands 
rate of natural increase- subtract death rate from birth rate, then divide by 10 
net migration rate- the difference between the number of persons entering and leaving a country during a year
immigration- coming into a country 
emigration- leaving a country 
push forces- war
pull forces- religious freedom, health care, more jobs 
total fertility rate- average number of children born per woman 
replacement rate- 2.1 

Population pyramid- a graphical illustration showing information about population broken down by age and sex 
Christmas tree - developing nation, slow growth rate, high birth rate, short life expectancy (Namibia)
the box- developed nation(slow growth), low infant mortality, slow population growth, long life expectancy (Sweden) 
the cup- developed nation (negative growth), low birth rate, shrinking population, long life expectancy (Italy, Germany) 

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