Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Workers in Indonesia

In class we watch a documentary made by two people named Jim and Leslie. Jim had a job coaching one of the best soccer teams around. They offered him and the school a lot of people if the team would wear Nike apparel and play with their equipment. Nike wanted to make a deal but Jim went and did some research. Jim discovered that the works in Indonesia that work in the Nike factory only get paid $1.25 per day. Jim and Leslie went on a mission trip to see what it would be like to live on those wages. Jim said all you would buy was two meals and he lost 25 pounds while living there. Jim and Leslie wanted to do something about this so they made it public and it started to go worldwide. Jim tried talking to the CEO of Nike but he refused to talk to him. I found this video very interesting and cool to watch because we don't know whats going on in other parts of the world. 

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