Friday, August 30, 2013

Successful Year and Definitions

5 concrete things i can do this year to have a successful year are:
1) get involved 
2) study and do all of my homework 
3) pay attention in class
4) turn in all my assignments on time 
5) stay organized and come to class prepared

Agora: a meeting place or stadium in Ancient Greece
Arete: Excellence 
Polis: they're city state 
The year 508 BC: the year they established a democracy 
Socrates: a Greek philosopher 
The Death of Socrates: was executed in 1787 that was later made into a famous painting 
Socratic Method: questioning everything. Asking "why"
If they call you an idiot it meant they were calling you a civilian 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Setting Up Blogs

Today in class we finished setting up our blogs. In the beginning Mr. Schick thought that a lot of us didn't do our homework but we told him that we did. Finally we checked his junk mail and we found all of them! Then we had to create a link tab on our blog. We have to copy and paste the CIA fact book link. A lot of people were having trouble with it, so we had to help each other out. Logan came around and showed everyone how to do it. Then I showed Jevan how to do it. Then we got to customize our blog. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

First Day of School

I had a really good first day of school. The night before i was so nervous! My sister was trying to explain everything about high school to me and i was getting so confused. I thought i was going to get lost and i was worried about who i was going to sit with in the cafeteria. When i got to school i learned that high school is so much easier then middle school. Also i like high school better because you get so much more freedom. My adviser Ms. Kraft is so nice so I'm glad to have her as my adviser. Finding my classes was much easier then i thought it was going to be. I haven't gotten lost yet! A lot of my friends were nervous about today because the upper class men were coming too. I wasn't nervous because my sister is a senior so i know a lot of upper class men. The only thing i ever have trouble with is opening my locker, i get it open most of the time but sometimes i have to try a few times. All of my teachers are really nice! My first day went very well and so far i really like John Carroll!