Friday, November 22, 2013

Peace Corps Challenge

Today in class Mr. Schick wasn't here so Mr. Torres told us to continue playing the Peace Corps Challenge game. You have to save the village from a drought, mosquitoes, and malaria. Girls aren't going to school because of all these problems that are destroying the village. You have to talk to Gwafa, and tell him what you think the solution to the problem is. If he agrees with you, he will usually give you stuff, like a chicken, roots, root juice, a pineapple, or a bag of fried ants. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Today in human geo we got to see and hold and Emmy that the guy that came to our school won. Mr. Schick didn't tell the guy he was taking it to class but i don't think he minded. Then we watched a video about this new TV thing where you can flip the channels by pressing the buttons. We tried to watch the whole thing but John Carroll's wifi isn't the best so it wouldn't load. After that we played the game on Mr. Schicks blog. I got pineapple, root juice, roots, and other stuff. I saved the village. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Reviewed test

Today in class we reviewed the world leaders test we took. A lot of people read the directions and questions wrong and wrong the leader in stead of the country. I did that on a few of the questions but i got a 83% on the test. At first i got a 80% but Mr. Schick marked one of my answers wrong but it was right. In my notes on my blog i think i just wrote down the wrong things, and there was also a lot to copy so i didn't get all of it down. I think that is why i did do too good on the test. We also are starting to do economic geography. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Today in class Mr. Schick gave everyone who didn't finish their test more time. I wish i would've known this because i wouldn't have rushed through my test and wrote down random answers. I got to see my test and I got a 80%. I'm not very happy with this but i didn't do as bad as some other people. Then once everyone was done their test we started learning about Economics by looking at the links on Mr. Schick's blog .One was about Micro finance on Kiva. Also Anna and Katie came into our class and we talking about how West Civ is going to be boring. I'm going to miss your class. Hopefully i do better on the next test!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

leaders quiz

Today in class we took the leaders quiz. I thought for the most part it was easy but some of the questions were hard to find, like the leader who's nickname is Bibi. I didn't know it so i just guessed. I think i either got a B or a C on this quiz, hopefully it won't lower my grade too much. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013







United Kingdom




Saudi Arabia 



Tuesday, November 12, 2013

More about leaders

Today in class we learned more about countries leaders. We learned a lot more interesting facts. One guy used to live in the United States. Also we had a girl Tori, shadowing with Jazz. Also one of the guys Abdallah, we had twenty two children and even had a child when he was seventy nine years old. We haven't gone over all of the leaders yet but i'm excited to learn more facts about leaders in our world. 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Quiz Answers

Today during human geo we went over the answers to our quiz retake. Then we talked about all of the leaders for the different countries  We found some interesting facts about leaders of the countries. Like Dilma has been divorced two times and has had cancer. Also one of them has a daughter attending Harvard University.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Facts about leaders

Enrique Pena Pieto 

  • served as governor of the state of Mexico from 2005 to 2011
  • born in Atlacomulco, Mexico, a city 55 miles northwest from the capitol of Mexico
  • Reports that he fathered two children in extramarital affairs while his wife Monica raised the couple's 3 children
  • married to soap opera actor Angelica Rivera
XI Jinping (China is a communist state)
  • served as governor of Fujian fro 1999 to 2002 
  • served as governor of Zhejiang between 2002 and 2007 
  • first leader to have a Ph.D 
  • only received one vote against him in the election 
  • son of revolutionary veteran, one of the communist party's founding fathers
  • Married folk singer Peng Liyuan 
  • have a daughter who is attending Harvard University in the US 
Pranab Mukherjee
  • was a senior leader of the Indian National Congress and occupied several ministerial portfolios in the Government of India
  •  was also Leader of the House in the Rajya Sabha from 1980 to 1985.
  • rated as one of the best finance ministers of the world in 1984 and adjudged the pest parliamentarian in 1997
  • taught political science at the Vijayanagar College and worked as a journalist before entering politics 
Hamid Karazi
  •  chosen for a two-year term as Interim President during the 2002 loya
  •  After the 2004 presidential election, Karzai was declared winner and became President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
  • knows many languages, Persian, Peshto, Hindi, French, and English
  • Warned the US that the Taliban were connected with al Qaeda and that there was a plot or an imminent attack on the US but his warnings went unheeded. 

Joachim Gauck (preident)

  • During the Peaceful Revolution, he was a co-founder of the New Forum opposition movement in East Germany
  • He was nominated as the candidate of the SPD and the Greens for President of Germany in the 2010 election, but narrowly lost to Christian Wulff
Angela Merkel (Chancellor of Germany) 
  • graduated from the University of Leizpig in 1978 with a degree in physics and physical chemistry; earned a Ph.D in quantum chemistry from the German Academy of sciences in Berlin in 1986
  • has been chancellor since November 2005
  • earned  the top spot on the FORBES list of most powerful women in the world for eight of the past 10 years 
Queen Elizabeth II
  •  Elizabeth was born in London and educated privately at home
  •  Her father was the second son of King George V and Queen Mary. Her mother was the youngest daughter of Scottish aristocrat Claude Bowes-Lyon, 14th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne. 
David Cameron (Prime Minister)
  • at the age of seven he was packed off to Heatherdown a high exclusive preparatory school
  • his first child who was disabled died in 2009
  • is the youngest prime minister in 200 years 
  • bikes to work everday
Francois Hollande
  • no previous experience in a national government position
  • the mother of his four children, Segolene Royal, with whom he shared a 30 year relationship
  • born in 1954 in the city of Rouen the an extreme right physician father and progressive social worker mother. 
Dilma Rousseff
  • has been divorced twice
  • opposed Brazil's military dictatorship of the 1960's and served three years in prison  where she was repeatedly tourchered 
  • underwent chemotherapy of lymphoma in 2009, and is now in remission 
  • she has a degree in economics
Nicolas Maduro Moros 
  • previously the Vice President of Venezuela and the Minister of Foreign Affairs under President Hugo Chávez.
  • before he took a charge in government he was a bus driver 
  • was introduced to Huge Chavez in 1992 and Chavez was imprisoned for an attempted coup and Maduro began campaigning for Chavez's release
Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud 

  • was one of many sons of Ibn Saud, the founder of modern Saudi Arabia
  • In 1961 he became mayor of Mecca
  • has fathered 22 children the youngest when he was 79 
  • he is worth about 21 billion dollars 
  • was appointed commander of the Saudi Arabian National Guard, a post he was still holding when he became king 
  • in 2011 he granted woman the right to vote and run in future municipal elections
  • his kingdom practices strict separations of the sexes (woman can't drive) 
Ali Hoseini-Khamenei (supreme leader) 
  • was the victim of an attempted assassination in June 1981 that paralyzed his right arm
  • served as the President of Iran from 1981 to 1989
  • in 1963 took part in street protests against the US. - backed Shah of Iran 

Ruhani (president)
  • has held several parliamentary posts, including deputy speaker and has also served on the Supreme National Security Council 
  • was just elected in June 2013 
  • has been openly critical of the outgoing president  saying Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's "careless, uncalculated and unstudied remarks" has cost the country dearly 
Shimon Peres (president)
  • won the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize
  • In 2005, he was voted the 11th-greatest Israeli of all time
  • born in Belarus, to escape the persecution of Jews there, the family fled to Palestine in 1934 
  • when Arab forces launched their attack on the new state of Israel in 1948, Peres was given the chief responsibility for securing military equipment for Israel from abroad 
  • organized Israels' nuclear program and is regarded as the father of Israel's atomic bomb
  • in 1994 he shared the Nobel Peace Prize with his own prime minister 
Netanyahu (prime minister) 
  • lived with his family in the US in the years 1956-1958 and again in 1963-1967
  • his brother Jonathan was killed, in July 197, in the course of the Entebbe Operation 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Countires and Governments

Constitution- Federal republic 
President  Enrique Pena Nieto

Constitution- Communist State
President XI Jinping

Constitution- Federal Republic 
 President Pranab Mukherjee

Constitution- Islam Republic 
President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai

constitution- federal republic 
President Joachim Gauck

United Kingdom
Constitution- constitutional monarchy and Commonwealth realm
Queen Elizabeth II 

Constitution- republic
President Francois Hollande

constitution- federal republic 
President Dilma Rousseff

Constitution-  federal republic 
President Nicolas Maduro Moros 

Saudi Arabia 
Constitution- monarchy
King and Prime Minister Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud 

constitution- theocratic republic 
Supreme Leader Ali Hoseini-Khamenei

Constitution-  parliamentary democracy
President Shimon Peres

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Test Retake!

Today in human geo we retook our religions test and i am really happy with what i got! Before i got a 77, and now i got a 90! I studied all day before the quiz and I'm so glad i did. After we were all done we started talking about political geography and learned the difference between countries, nations, and nation states. Then we watched a video of a Canadian guy (btw i love Canadians because of Justin Bieber) but he wasn't funny but i kind of felt bad because he was trying.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Religions Test

Today in class we had to take a test on the five religions we learned about. We also learned that we are all angels and saints except for Stephanie. Before we took it we asked Mr. Schick if we could review the slide show he made for us. Then we had two shadows. We took the test and it wasn't as hard as i excepted it to be. I don't think i got 100%, but i think i did better then the last test we took.